An amazing home birth story and Robin's mini photo shoot

Robin is my second baby. In my first pregnancy, they had wanted to induce me at 37 weeks because they felt she had stopped growing, however there was something on the scan that didn’t make sense so we held off. I eventually gave in at 41 weeks and had an induction which resulted in instrumental delivery, shoulder dystocia and a whole cacophony of intervention I hadn’t really wanted. Despite this she was born a really healthy 8lb wriggling little lady without any of the complications they had been worried about. It made me vow not to have an induction again.

baby photographer, Taunton, Wellington, Chard, Ilminster, Brigwater..jpg

When I found out I was pregnant with Robin it was after a nasty  miscarriage and I was about to stop trying because I was finding it emotionally challenging. I knew straight away I wanted to birth at home but that it would also be a challenge because I would be classed as high risk. I was super fortunate to have an amazing midwife who was so incredibly supportive and helped advocate for me alongside some hypnobirthing and counselling from another amazing local midwife named Eleanor Copp (website here).

I researched a lot and was so supported I felt empowered to make informed decisions about my care. I decided not to have my GTT test but tested my levels throughout the pregnancy. I chose not to see the consultants or to have growth scans but carried on seeing my lovely midwife and had a scan to check my placental position and it’s function. Everything I’d read and heard, supported my belief in myself to have a natural non-medicalised birth.

Baby photographer- karen Kimmins.jpg

At 41+1 I started thinking this isn’t going to happen and I’m going to end up in hospital being induced again but woke at 4am ish to a niggle. I had a very quick and gentle labour so much so I never thought I was in established labour! 45 minutes before he was born I was on the phone to triage chatting away! After that, I had 3 strong surges and lay on my bed. The tightening stopped and I thanked my body out loud for the break. The next tightening was 10 minutes later and it felt different, like it was pushing of it’s own accord. Cue I bit of panic and surprise – the pool was only half full, the midwife hadn’t arrived yet and we still didn’t really believe my labour was even established. Robin was born on the tiny ensuite floor less than 3 hours after I’d first felt anything and was caught by his Daddy just as the midwife knocked on the door. I never actively pushed, my body just did it all automatically.  It’s definitely a story we will be telling for a few years and I’m in awe of women’s bodies!

Baby photographer. Wellington, Glastonbury, Tiverton, Honiton.jpg

( This gorgeous cloth nappy is from Baba and Boo , and there’s a friendly Facebook hangout group to accompany the brand)

I’m so happy I got the gentle homebirth I had been hoping for. I did go to hospital after the birth because about 5 hours after giving birth I started to haemorrhage- again my lovely midwife was there for me. This would have happened wherever I was and was just something that happened randomly. Robin is such a cheeky,  happy and calm baby which I think was helped by his gentle entry to the world.

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We loved our shoot with Karen and that she’s captured the cheeky playful side of our children and it is a wonderful way to mark our new addition (even 10 weeks after his arrival).

Baby mini photography session. Wellington, Somerset.jpg

I also had my photo taken for her breastfeeding project which will be a very special celebration of my own personal feeding journey.

Thank you so much Sephi for sharing your incredible birth story with us.

Mini sessions can be adapted for slightly older babies or I offer sessions for babies aged between 3-6 months- see here. If you’d like to book a mini session or older baby photography session with me, hit the button below!