Nicola's breastfeeding journey

Nicola’s breast-feeding story -

Ever since being pregnant I was sure I wanted to breastfeed. I tried not to put too much pressure on myself as I know people often find it difficult. But I was amazed from the start of our journey, despite Florence having a lazy latch this was soon overcome and she thrived.  I was proud to know that I could still provide everything she needed. 

I was introduced to Healthy Babies and signed up to be a breastmilk donor and managed to donate many litres of milk whilst exclusively feeding our daughter which went to a local neonatal unit. Breastfeeding for us was straightforward and suited us both perfectly, knowing we could go out and not have to worry about bottles or formula was a huge bonus.  

Now at 20 months old Florence doesn’t feed so often but it’s there if she wants it and I will always treasure our journey and the bond we have developed.

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Maisy's Newborn photoshoot and her mummy's pregnancy and birth experience.

I just love it when I have families returning with their new bundles of joy! This lovely family came back with their precious new little girl.

Thank you Nikki for sharing your pregnancy and birth story with us, over to you! x

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When I first found out I was pregnant, the first thing that ran through my mind was - Wow...Jesse was right (he had told me 4 days before that there was a baby in my tummy and it was a little girl) & then absolute joy!! So much so that I burst out laughing & when I told Brent his first reaction was also laughing!

We both knew we wanted a third baby & she came at the best time - we hadn’t specifically chosen to “start trying” as we wanted to be relaxed & didn’t want the added stress of checking every month & getting wound up or upset if it hadn’t happened.

In the beginning of my pregnancy I struggled with awful morning sickness & during the third trimester I had major hip discomfort, but other than that it was absolutely perfect! I loved every second of it & will really miss those little kicks & the feeling of her being in my tummy.

Being pregnant during Covid-19 was a very strange time as I had to homeschool as well. There were 2 sides to the way I felt. I was exhausted most of the time & really learnt the value of teachers and school in general. I did feel that I lost those “alone” moments of being able to prepare for our little one, and have days where I could curl up with a good book or just nap. Having said that, my husband was amazingly supportive and allowed me time when I really needed it, just to go and have some time out. The other side that I found was that since I wasn’t rushing around doing the every day life sort of stuff, there was less expectation which did mean we could relax a bit more.

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I was due to have a caesarean when I was 39 weeks pregnant but Maisy decided to come earlier than that!

I started having contractions when I was 38 weeks and 3 days so they decided to bring the surgery forward. She was born 12 days before her due date.

I was initially apprehensive about the caesarean, but the team at Musgrove were absolutely incredible. They brought me to the front of the queue for surgery & I was surrounded by the exact team of people I needed to keep me calm and perform the surgery. It was the most amazing birth, but the surgery was really tough. The consultant has advised that since it was so hard, we shouldn’t have anymore children.

Every time I think about the birth I want to cry! I am still so overwhelmed with gratitude for how amazing everyone was & how the surgery was one of the best experiences out of all three that I’ve had! It really was incredible.

When we first held our baby Maisy we were totally overwhelmed with love (& it all felt quite surreal)! She weighed in at 3.030kg’s or 6lb9oz

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How we chose our babies name-

I prayed for a name for her from the moment I found out I was pregnant & I asked God to give me a name before my 20 week scan (so I would know if it was a boy or girl)

2 days before my scan the name Maisy popped into my head & at the exact same time my husband walked into the room and asked me what I thought about the name Maisy!!

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The first few days at home was amazing, we were enjoying the peace after being in hospital. But on the 3rd day we had to call an ambulance for Maisy as it looked like she stopped breathing & she turned blue. We were then taken into a&e and had to stay in hospital over night while Maisy was monitored. It was the most frightening moment of my life & on top of that I was very emotional as my milk had just come in & I was very hormonal. It was made worse when the hospital staff tried to do a COVID swab on my baby who was only 3 days old. Thankfully, & by the grace of God, my husband was allowed in with me for a few hours when this happened. He had the presence of mind that I was lacking at that point to refuse the test. I was so grateful as I would have just gone along with what the staff said. The test was an adult size test & I imagine it would have caused a lot more harm than good.

Other than this awful experience, Maisy’s first few days were wonderful (& very peaceful due to the restrictions from COVID-19).

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I have 2 older boys who have taken so well to being big brothers. My eldest is turning 9 & utterly adores little people, particularly babies. He’s very gentle with them & always wants to stroke, cuddle & love Maisy. My middle son, who is turning 6, is more of a deep thinker. He has spent hours just staring at his sister, totally mesmerised by her beauty. But not saying much. On our first night home, Maisy and I were having a nap. Jesse came into the bedroom, sat on the bed just staring at Maisy & after half an hour my mum walked in to find him. Jesse looked at my mum and said “isn’t she so beautiful Granny”! Both the boys are very protective over their sister & long may it last!!

Our house is a bit crazy with pets. We have a cat, a puppy, a hamster & a fish tank. When I arrived home from the hospital our 1 year old puppy sat very submissively on the floor, wagging her tail but not jumping up. This was the first time I have ever seen her so excited, yet so calm. And since then she sits at my feet all the time. She will often come over to Maisy and sniff her, but has never licked or jumped on her.

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I chose Karen as our newborn photographer as she had done Jesse’s photoshoot and I’d been watching her page ever since. She has come so far with her talent and I’ve always really liked how she is so passionate about babies.

The only thing I was worried about for the shoot was whether or not we were all dressed properly for the pictures to come out nicely. Turns out there was nothing to worry about! It was a very relaxed atmosphere and we felt we were in very capable hands! The best bit was after the family photos and the focus was just on Maisy. I loved watching how posing Maisy came so naturally to Karen.

Maisy had a feed before the shoot and was awake for an hour or so before we left, so was very ready for her sleep by the time we got to Karen.

My advice to someone getting newborn photographs taken would be to use Karen Kimmins!! Relax and let her do her thing!

Thank you again Nikki for sharing your story with us, for your kind words and for coming back with your newest family member, it was a pleasure to see you all again xx

Tor's breastfeeding story.

Tor’s Breastfeeding story -

I've had the most perfect breastfeeding experience and I've loved every single feed. (Minus the 2, 3, 4 and 5am hourly feeds)!

My daughter latched on within minutes of being born and hasn't left them alone since! They've not grown as much as I'd hoped, unfortunately still no need for a bra but it does make it easier to whip one out wherever and whenever she likes.

I've only ever received positive comments from family, friends and strangers about feeding. Much to my disappointment actually because I had multiple sharp comebacks lined up.

My boobs solve most situations in our house, (my husbands included). 

I nurse my daughter when she is teething, wants a cuddle, hungry, bored, upset, the wrong temperature, unwell, before and after meals, when my favourite program is on so I can get two minutes of quiet. I even do the forbidden feeding to sleep. 

We occasionally kick my husband out of bed and co sleep still latched when she needs to. 

But they're just so good at their job, why would I not! Sometimes though they're too good at their job and start leaking for other peoples babies. 

Anytime my Daughter wants a nipple she'll get one and I will continue to for as long as she likes!

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Thank you so much for taking part in the breastfeeding project Tor x

If you’d like to see more of this breastfeeding project- click here

Charlotte's experience with breastfeeding.

Charlotte’s breastfeeding story -

I always knew I wanted to try and breastfeed, but I didn't want to put too much pressure on myself as I know a lot of mums struggle with this for all different reasons. 

As soon as Sophia was born our midwife helped her latch which wasn’t easy as I had just had an emergency caesarean and the anesthetic meant I was shaking uncontrollably (my husband was very supportive and told me not to worry about the shakes as she’s now having her first milkshake).  😂 This didn't stop her latching perfectly and picking up this skill with ease. 

The first 3-4 weeks consisted of me having to crunch my toes and take a huge deep breath on each initial latch. There was bleeding, itching, milk spraying EVERYWHERE and the use of A LOT of muslins which made it hard to want to continue, but as soon as we got passed that stage it became easier and easier and she is definitely happier on the boob now and seeing her smile mid-feed just proves her amazing development and our special bond. ❤️

Plus with her being an amazing feeder it means we don’t have to worry about packing additional feeding equipment. It is hard enough to leave the house on time with all her stuff.

I also had a lot of people questioning how I would feel when breastfeeding in public and to be honest I never saw this as an issue, if my baby needs feeding then that is what she will get, if someone doesn't like seeing it then I'm not sorry as that is their issue not ours and it shouldn't be frowned or questioned these days. 

All I can say to you is to try and take each day as they come and don't stress about other peoples comments. It is you and your babies journey and you control that your way.

Breastfeeding experiences and stories.

Thank you Charlotte for taking part in the breastfeeding project x

If you’d like to see how the breastfeeding project is developing , please follow this link to the dedicated page, Thank you - The breastfeeding project.

Emma's Breastfeeding story

Emma’s breastfeeding story -

I remember the first few times I had to breastfeed in public. I was so nervous and either hid myself away in a changing room or created a tent around me!
But the more I persevered with it (and realised that nobody was staring at me!) I started to enjoy it, the feeling that I was helping my girl to grow and the way it helped her feel safe and settled - it really helped with my overall self esteem. As my confidence grew I was even able to eat a meal and drink a coffee at the same time as feeding.

Second time around it’s been different. My daughters latch, the flow, the pain from sore nipples, it’s really thrown me.
I’ve come to realise that every baby is different but after 5 weeks I seem to have cracked it, you really can’t beat those little steps of progress and the bond you feel when feeding makes the sleepless nights and leaky nipples totally worth it!

Karen Kimmins Newborn Photography. Breastfeeding photography. Wellington, Somerset, Taunton, Bridgwater, Tiverton, Chard. Ilminster. Real life breastfeeding stories.jpg

Thank you Emma for taking part in the breastfeeding project and sharing your story with us x

If you’d like to see the more real life breastfeeding experiences, please click here to see my breast-feeding project in progress.

And if you’d like to enquire about a newborn photography session with me, hit the button below.

An amazing home birth story and Robin's mini photo shoot

Robin is my second baby. In my first pregnancy, they had wanted to induce me at 37 weeks because they felt she had stopped growing, however there was something on the scan that didn’t make sense so we held off. I eventually gave in at 41 weeks and had an induction which resulted in instrumental delivery, shoulder dystocia and a whole cacophony of intervention I hadn’t really wanted. Despite this she was born a really healthy 8lb wriggling little lady without any of the complications they had been worried about. It made me vow not to have an induction again.

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When I found out I was pregnant with Robin it was after a nasty  miscarriage and I was about to stop trying because I was finding it emotionally challenging. I knew straight away I wanted to birth at home but that it would also be a challenge because I would be classed as high risk. I was super fortunate to have an amazing midwife who was so incredibly supportive and helped advocate for me alongside some hypnobirthing and counselling from another amazing local midwife named Eleanor Copp (website here).

I researched a lot and was so supported I felt empowered to make informed decisions about my care. I decided not to have my GTT test but tested my levels throughout the pregnancy. I chose not to see the consultants or to have growth scans but carried on seeing my lovely midwife and had a scan to check my placental position and it’s function. Everything I’d read and heard, supported my belief in myself to have a natural non-medicalised birth.

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At 41+1 I started thinking this isn’t going to happen and I’m going to end up in hospital being induced again but woke at 4am ish to a niggle. I had a very quick and gentle labour so much so I never thought I was in established labour! 45 minutes before he was born I was on the phone to triage chatting away! After that, I had 3 strong surges and lay on my bed. The tightening stopped and I thanked my body out loud for the break. The next tightening was 10 minutes later and it felt different, like it was pushing of it’s own accord. Cue I bit of panic and surprise – the pool was only half full, the midwife hadn’t arrived yet and we still didn’t really believe my labour was even established. Robin was born on the tiny ensuite floor less than 3 hours after I’d first felt anything and was caught by his Daddy just as the midwife knocked on the door. I never actively pushed, my body just did it all automatically.  It’s definitely a story we will be telling for a few years and I’m in awe of women’s bodies!

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( This gorgeous cloth nappy is from Baba and Boo , and there’s a friendly Facebook hangout group to accompany the brand)

I’m so happy I got the gentle homebirth I had been hoping for. I did go to hospital after the birth because about 5 hours after giving birth I started to haemorrhage- again my lovely midwife was there for me. This would have happened wherever I was and was just something that happened randomly. Robin is such a cheeky,  happy and calm baby which I think was helped by his gentle entry to the world.

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We loved our shoot with Karen and that she’s captured the cheeky playful side of our children and it is a wonderful way to mark our new addition (even 10 weeks after his arrival).

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I also had my photo taken for her breastfeeding project which will be a very special celebration of my own personal feeding journey.

Thank you so much Sephi for sharing your incredible birth story with us.

Mini sessions can be adapted for slightly older babies or I offer sessions for babies aged between 3-6 months- see here. If you’d like to book a mini session or older baby photography session with me, hit the button below!

A newborn mini session and pregnancy story.

Francesca’s pregnancy and the birth and newborn photography session of gorgeous baby Arthur.

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We found out we were expecting last September, we were quite taken a back that it happened first time for us. We were meant to be going travelling for 3 months over Christmas which we then had to cancel, oops. 

My pregnancy unfortunately wasn’t the greatest experience made worse with the pandemic. The first trimester was pretty rough with morning sickness and tiredness, second trimester wasn’t too bad as the sickness subsided a bit, the third trimester I developed preeclampsia so had lots of additional scans and check ups all without my husband. Little Arthur stopped growing at 35 weeks so they induced me at 37. 

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Arthur Gilbert George was born at RD&E Hospital on 11th June, day of induction at 20:48pm weighing 5lb3oz.  

It all happened pretty quick....I was induced at 2pm and contractions started at around 6pm. I was in active labour for 45 mins.

Unfortunately we had a two week stay in hospital with Arthur being on the neonatal unit. The support of the Drs and nurses was excellent and luckily Dads were allowed to visit and stay which took the pressure off. 

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Gilbert George was Chris’s grandfathers middle names. 

We are enjoying life at home and he is feeding really well and gaining weight rapidly! 

We have a dog Tilly, she’s a little put out by the new addition to the family but she appreciates her new toy & bed. 

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I found Karen from a google search, her website looked very professional and I loved her style of photography. I liked that she did a smaller package of just natural shots, I’m not so keen on all the props. 

We were a little apprehensive about the shoot as Arthur suffers with colic, so we were expecting the worse. I gave him a quick feed and nappy change whilst there and he settled well. He loves to be swaddled so I think this also helped. 

Karen was brilliant at making us feel comfortable and relaxed and was excellent at handling Arthur. 

The images we received are amazing and I would 100% recommend Karen to anyone looking to have a newborn shoot.

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Thank you Francesca for sharing your story with us xx

Pregnancy and birth stories.

It was a pleasure , as always, to meet another lovely family. Sophia was booked in for a newborn mini session earlier this week. When her parents arrived, they mentioned she suffered with colic but fortunately for us all, she slept really well and went through the set of five poses with ease. She even gave me a cute smile whilst I had my camera ready (okay it’s wind but still!)

Emma kindly agreed to share her birth story here, thank you x

Emma’s pregnancy journey and the birth of their beautiful baby girl - Sophia.

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We found out I was pregnant in October 2019, we were so excited to be first time parents and couldn’t wait to meet our bundle of joy. I didn’t expect to be pregnant during a pandemic, but one of the main pros was not having to commute 45 minutes to work everyday during the last two months of my pregnancy.

I was very lucky during my pregnancy, I didn’t have any of the typical symptoms which I was really happy about. I enjoyed carrying little Sophia around in my stomach and feeling her kicking for the first time was such a special moment.

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Sophia was born on her due date, which was the 27th June, at Musgrove Hospital. I started having contractions at 2am and we made our way to the hospital at around 5:30am. I was examined at 7am, at which point I was 4cm dilated and I was moved to a labour room. Once I was in the room I was allowed to phone my husband, who had to wait in the car until I was in active labour, to let him know he can now join me. 

I wanted a water birth, but knew there was only one room available with a pool. Luckily this room was free when I went into labour. The pool, along with gas and air, helped soothe the pain until the contractions got more intense. After a few hours, I had to get out the pool so the midwife could break my waters. At around 11pm I was taken down to theatre to have an epidural and forceps were used to deliver Sophia. 

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Sophia was born at 11:50pm and weighed exactly 7lbs.

Bringing Sophia home from hospital was incredible, I had dreamt of this moment for the past nine months. Our family was now complete.

We were worried how our dog Lui would react to us bringing home Sophia but he was fine.

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We found Karen’s website when searching on google for Newborn Photographers and knew immediately after seeing her photographs that we wanted to book Karen.

Sophia was well fed before the session which made her sleepy for the photographs, I was worried she was going to be awake and upset as she is suffering with colic.

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The session was carried out in a professional manner with a relaxed environment. We were blown away by the quality of the final images which we will cherish forever. We were also really impressed with how quickly we received the photos.

I would 100% recommend Karen to anyone looking for a Newborn Photographer, we found the experience stress free and the photos of Sophia are incredible.

Thank you again Emma for sharing your story here xx

If you’d like to book a newborn mini session or a standard newborn photography session with me, please get in touch by clicking the button below, thank you.

Sharing pregnancy & birth stories- new feature!

I had my children many years ago now. My eldest daughter is 26 and my youngest almost 9 and I’ve two in-between, but my memories of all their births is hazy to say the least. I really wish I had jotted it all down somewhere.

Rather than just posting the photo’s from my newborn sessions, I’ve been asking the parents for their pregnancy and birth stories if they’d like to take part that is- Definitely not compulsory!

So I thought this would be a great new little feature to go alongside the photographs from each baby’s photo shoot, for not only the parents to look back on but also for new expectant mums preparing themselves for having a new baby :)

And I do love hearing about other mums birthing stories ❤️

Sophies’ pregnancy journey and the birth of her beautiful baby boy - William.

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Whilst I was pregnant, the pandemic Covid-19 happened, so it meant I had to stop working early & start my maternity leave earlier than expected . I felt a bit anxious about it all. I was nervous about things relaxing too soon too & my boyfriend Todd going out & catching Covid. 

Of course we were staying incredibly safe & followed the rules but I still worried that I may have to give birth alone if Todd developed any symptoms. 

When I had to go into hospital for the growth scan & again when I had reduced movements, Todd had to wait outside which made me feel a bit sad. 

I missed seeing my family and friends and them not being able to feel him moving in my tummy. One thing that was a blessing, was Todd was given special leave off work, so we had quality time together that would of never have happened otherwise, and with my sickness he was able to look after me.

Newborn photographer, Somerset, Devon, Taunton, Bridgwater, Wellington.

When we found out I was pregnant, we were over the moon and so excited, but we were also nervous at the thought of being first time parents. We had planned this for about 6 months before.

Pregnancy was a very rough ride for me. I experienced migraines and sickness the whole 9 months and was on medication to control it. I found it very draining. Lockdown was a blessing in disguise, as it meant I didn't have to worry about work and I could spend the day in my pjs and have Todd look after me.

My due was the 1st of July but he was 11 days late. I went into labour on the 12th of July. My contractions started at 3.30am at home. I was pleased he came on this date as I was booked in to be induced the following day, which I didn't want to happen. I wanted him to come naturally when he was ready .

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My contractions got uncomfortable quite quickly, I tried to cope with them in a nice warm bath but from 3.30am to 4am, they started to get uncomfortable. Todd called the hospital and they asked us to come in to get examined. Todd had to wait in the car at this point due to covid-19. They examined me and I was 3cm dilated, my waters starting breaking and leaking on the bed. They gave me some codeine and I asked if I could go and walk around the hospital so that I could be with Todd. I did this until 9am, this is when the codeine had completely worn off and the contractions started becoming closer together and getting more intense. My labour was around 13 hours long in total.

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The birth was an amazing experience. Of course I was nervous as you’re clueless about what’s in store being a first time mum. 15 babies were born on the 12th of July, so Musgrove Hospital was incredibly busy.

From 9am (after my waters had broke properly outside the hospital) until 2.30pm, I was alone on Willow ward with a curtain pulled around me and bless Todd he was waiting this whole time outside, as they didn't have a room available on labour ward.

Baby photographer Wellington, Taunton, Somerset.

At 11am they gave me the pethidine injection in my leg but I didn't feel it did very much, apart from making me throw up straight away. So they then gave me gas and air so I could cope with the contractions. They examined me again and told me I was 5cm, this was about 2pm. I began stressing and got teary at this point as I was in a lot of pain and just wanted Todd with me and all that was going through my head is that he wasn't going to be there whist I was giving birth. They then came and wheeled me to the room they had available as I couldn't walk through the contractions and finally I was able to be with Todd again.

When I got to the room, I said to the midwifes that I would like some more pain relief. They tried an epidural but it didn't work as my contractions were too strong so I couldn't keep still so they couldn't give it to me. Todd held the gas and air for me the whole time, whilst I must of been screaming the hospital down! I never thought that I would have gone through labour on just gas and air, but I did! It got to 4pm and my body started telling me I needed to push. Pushing literally feels like a big poo which surprised me! I found it hard pushing for an hour as it takes a lot of your energy. At 5pm William arrived into the world.  We were both overwhelmed with feeling of joy, we both cried our eyes out. I felt a huge sense of achievement after doing all of this for 13 hours on gas and air.

William weighed 8lbs. 

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 I experienced a 2nd degree tear which didn't feel painful at all, once he was in my arms. I literally had so much adrenaline running through my body that I forgot about all the pain I had just experienced. Me and William had skin to skin contact for 2 hours, whilst Todd cut the cord and they stitched me up. Then Todd got to have cuddles whilst I had a shower. Apart from being sore, I just couldn’t  believe how good I felt after just giving birth. It was the best feeling. 

I didn't have a clue about boys names but at 10 weeks before we knew the sex we both when for an Indian in Wellington and Todd said "Do you like the name William?" and I loved it. Todds grandads on both his sides of the family were called William and my dad is John. So we decided William John Chappell and we both loved it.

The first few days at home were a bit scary as everything was new. It took a few days for my breastmilk to come in which was a bit stressful but with all the worry, I also felt amazing excitement to take him home and have him finally in my arms.

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We have a dog named Alfie, he was very cute and actually quite calm when we brought William home. He’s just got a thing with licking his toes now and then!

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I chose Karen as our newborn photographer as I've known her since I was a kid as my sisters & I used to play with her daughters a lot as we lived around the corner, so I knew she was an amazing and patient lady. I've also followed Karen's photography page on Facebook and loved every single picture that she’s posted. I wanted simple and timeless photos and that’s exactly what I got.

I found the session an amazing experience, as the whole process was very chilled and relaxed. My Favourite part was seeing the photos of Todd and William being photographed together and loved seeing William being wrapped up in a cocoon as we have never wrapped him ourselves. 

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Karen Kimmins Newborn Photography- Wellington, Taunton, Somerset.

I made sure we kept William awake before the photo shoot and gave him a big feed at home before we left, as this meant his was in a deep sleep whilst all his photos were being done.

My advice to you if you’re going for newborn photos is- if you’re relaxed and not worried about how your newborn photos are going to go then your baby is more likely to pick up on this and be relaxed too. 

Thank you Sophie for taking part in this new blog feature xx